Alexander IIof Scotland
Alexander II. of Scotland, King of Scotland, born in 1198, succeeded his father, William the Lion, in 1214. He espoused the cause of the Barons against King John, who invaded the border counties. Alexander retaliated and ultimately joined Louis of France in his expedition against the king. For that he was excommunicated, but after John's death he made peace with the Pope and also with Henry III., marrying his sister Joan. In 1234 disputes as to the claim of homage from Scotland, and as to the ownership of the three border counties, estranged the two sovereigns, but these differences were arranged. Another rupture took place in 1244, owing to the punishment by Alexander of one Bissett for supposed complicity in the murder of the Earl of Athol. Hostilities, however, were avoided in this case also. Alexander had many difficulties with his Scotch subjects, and in 1249 was engaged in an attempt to reduce the lord of Argyll, when he died.