Agrigentum, now Giegenti, an ancient city on the S. coast of Sicily, colonised from Geia, 582 P.C. It throve as a free commercial city, till it rivalled Syracuse. Phalaris set himself up as tyrant, but was killed after a reign of fifteen years. Later on, Theron assumed the same position, and was successful in repelling the Carthaginians. He died in 472, and the democratic form of government was revived. The city at this period was adorned with magnificent public buildings, and was renowned for its beauty and luxury. The population was estimated at 200,000. In 406 the Carthaginians took the place, and swept away nearly every trace of its prosperity. Timoleon, in 340, re-colonised it with citizens from Velia; and after terrible vicissitudes during the Punic Wars, it ultimately fell into the hands of the Romans. On the fall of the Eastern Empire further disasters were experienced, and the Saracens became masters of the city. But few fragments of architecture now mark the site of this once large and powerful community.