Admiralty Courtof
Admiralty, Court of, a Court of Law formerly presided over by the Lord High Admiral, and after the abolition of that office carried on by commission. The High Court of Admiralty (now part of the Probate, Divorce, and Admiralty Jurisdiction of the High Court of Justice) has jurisdiction upon the high seas in all British seas. It has a civil or instance jurisdiction, and a prize jurisdiction in time of war. The latter does not extend to the Irish or Scotch Admiralty jurisdiction. The questions arising in time of peace are chiefly collisions, seaman's wages, bottomry, wearing unlawful colours, salvage, and causes of possession. Causes under the Slave Act Treaties are also cognisable. The evidence is all documentary. The criminal jurisdiction of the Court of Admiralty extended some time since to all crimes committed at sea which were triable at common law if committed on shore, but such offences are now subject to be dealt with at common law on surrender.