Address Formsof
Address, Forms of. The following are the correct ceremonious forms of superscription, commencement, and reference; -
The Queen or King. - The Queen's or King's Most Excellent Majesty; Madam or Sir. or May it please Your Majesty; Your Majesty.
Princes and Princesses. - His or Her Royal Highness the ___; . Sir or Madam; Your Royal Highness.
Ambassador. - His Excellency ___ H.B.M.'s Ambassador and Plenipotentiary; aceordingto rank; Your Excellency.
Ambassador's Wife. - According to rank.
Archbishop. - His Grace the Lord Archbishop of ___; My Lord Archbishop; Your Grace. Irish Archbishops consecrated since 1868 are styled The Most Rev. the Archbishop of ___, and the terms My Lord and Yonr Grace are not used.
Archdeacon, - The Venerable the Archdeacon of ___; Venerable Sir.
Baron. - The Right Hon. Lord ___; My Lord; Your Lordship.
Baroness. - The Right Hon. the Lady ___; Madam; Your Ladyship.
Baronet. - Sir John B., Bart.; Sir.
Bishop. - The Right Rev, the Lord Bishop of ___; My Lord
Bishop; Your Lordship. Scotch, colonial, suffragan, and retired bisliops and Irish bishops consecrated since 180S are styled the Right Rev. the Bishop of ___, and addressed Right Reverend Sir.
Canon. - The Rev. Canon ; Reverend Sir.
Cardinal - His Eminence Cardinal ___; Your Eminence.
Clergy. - The Rev. John B., the Rev. Lord ___; the Hon. and Rev. ___; Reverend Sir.
Consul. ___ Esq., H.B.M.'s Agent and Consul-General,
Consul, or Vice-Consul, as the ease may be.
Countess. - The Right Hon. the Countess of ___; Madam; Your Ladyship.
Dean. - The Very Rev. the Dean of ___; Very Rev. Sir.
Daughters of Dukes, Marquises, and Earls. - The Lady Mary B.; Madam; Your Ladyship. If married to a peer she takes his title; if married to a baronet, knight, or commoner, she changes her surname for his.
Daughters of Viscounts and Barons. - The Hon. Mary B.; Madam. If married to a peer, or to the younger son of a duke or marquis, she takes his title; if married to a baronet or knight, she is styled the Hon. Lady ___; if married to a commoner, she changes her surname for his.
Doctor. - The letters M.D., D.D., etc., are placed after the usual designation, or else Dr. precedes, as The Rev. Dr.
Dowager, Lady. - On the marriage of a peer or baronet, the widow of the previous holder of the title adds, The Dowager, or her Christian name, to her former designation.
Duchess. - Her Grace the Duchess of ___; Madam; Your Grace.
Duke. - His Grace the Duke of ___; My Lord Duke; Your Grace.
Earl. - The Right Hon. the Earl of ___; My Lord; Your Lordship.
Governor of Colony. - His Excellency ___ Governor of ___; Your Excellency.
Judge. - The Hon. Mr. Justice ___; if a knight The Hon. Sir ___; Sir, on the bench My Lord,
Judge of County Court. - His Honour Judge ___; Sir, on the bench Your Honour.
Knight. - Sir Thomas ___; Sir. Knights and companions of the English orders of knighthood have the initials K.G., K.C.M.G., C.B., etc., added to their usual designation.
Lord Advocate of Scotland. - The Right Hon. the Lord Advocate; My Lord, or Sir.
Lord Chancellor. - The Right Hon. the Lord High Chancellor; according to his rank as a peer.
Lord Chief Justice. - The Right Hon. the Lord Chief Justice of England, or the Right Hon. Sir ___ Lord Chief Justice of England; if a peer, according to his rank, if not, as a judge.
Lord Lieutenant of Ireland. - His Grace if a Duke, otherwise His Excellency the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland; according to his rank as a peer.
Lord Mayor. - The Right Hon. the Lord Mayor of ___; My Lord; Your Lordship.
Lord Mayor's Wife. - The Right Hon. the Lady Mayoress of ___; Madam; Your Ladyship.
Lord of Appeal in Ordinary and his Wife, - As Baron and Baroness. Their children have no title.
Lord of Session. - The Hon. Lord ___; My Lord; Your Lordship. His wife has no title.
Lord Provost. - The Right Hon. the Lord Provost of ___; My Lord; Your Lordship. His wife has no title.
Marchioness. - The Most Hon. the Marchioness of ___; Madam; Your Ladyship.
Marquis. - The Most Hon. the Marquis of ___; My Lord Marquis ; Your Lordship.
Mayor. - The Right Worshipful the Mayor of ___; Sir; Your Worship.
Members of the House of Commons. - Add M.P. to usual designation.
Minister Resident. - Add H.B.M.'s Minister Resident, to usual designation.
Officers in the Army and Navy. - The professional title is prefixed to any other rank, e.g. Gen. the Right Hon. Lord ___; Captain Sir ___R.N., but for Lieutenants or those of inferior rank the professional title is dropped.
Privy Councillor. - The Right Hon. precedes usual designation.
Queen's Counsel. - Add Q.C. to usual designation.
Secretary of State. - Her Majesty's Principal Secretary of State for the ___ Department.
Serjeant-at-Law, - Serjeant, or Mr. Serjeant.
Sons. - The eldest sons of Dukes, Marquises, and Earls bear by courtesy the second family title, and are addressed in every respect as if they were peers, and their children are addressed as if their fathers were peers. The younger sons of Dukes and Marquises are styled The Lord John ___; My Lord; Your Lordship. The younger sons of Earls, and the sons of Viscounts and Barons, are styled The Hon., and addressed as Sir.
Vice-Chancellor. - As a Judge; Sir, on the bench My Lord.
Viscount. - The Right Hon. the Viscount ___; My Lord; Your Lordship.
Viscountess. - The Right Hon. the Viscountess ___; Madam; Your Ladyship.