Adams John Quincy
Adams, John Quincy, eldest son of the preceding, and born at Braintree, 1767, spent much of his earlier years in Europe. He graduated at Harvard, was called to the bar, wrote with ability in a Boston newspaper, and was sent by Washington as ambassador to the Hague, 1794. Thence he went to Prussia, but being recalled, 1801, entered Congress as a Federalist in 1803. Breaking with his party, he retired to practise the law, and lecture on literature at Harvard until 1809, when, after denouncing a Federalist plot for separating New England from the Union, he went as ambassador first to St. Petersburgh and then to London, assisting in framing the Treaty of Ghent, 1814. In 1818 he became Secretary of State, and in 1825 was chosen President. Whilst in office he adopted Protectionist views, and also endeavoured to purchase Cuba. Jackson defeated his re-election, and for two years he lived in retirement, but returning to Congress in 1831 he by his exertions paved the way for the Abolition of Slavery. He was seized with paralysis in the midst of a debate (1848) and died two days later.