Note: Do not rely on this information. It is very old.
Abraham (Heb. father of a multitude), first named Abram, was the son of Terah, a Shemite, who dwelt first at Ur, in Chaldaea, and afterwards migrated to Haran. Abram married Sarai, his half-sister or niece. At the age of 75 he left Haran with Lot, his nephew, and travelled towards Canaan. He took Hagar as a second wife, and Ishmael was born. Twenty-four years later his name was changed to Abraham, and circumcision was instituted. Sarah then gave birth to Isaac, and Hagar with her son was cast forth. The patriarch lived to the age of 175, and was buried by his two elder sons in the sepulchre of Sarah (Gen. xxv.).