Aberdeen Scotland
Aberdeen, Scotland, a town situated on the east coast of Scotland, 542 miles north from London, and 111 north from Edinburgh. It lies between the mouths of the rivers Dee and Don, in both of which salmon fishing is carried on. In its neighbourhood are extensive granite quarries, of which material the town is built and its streets paved. From this it has received the name of the "Granite City." In the city itself are the largest granite polishing works in the United Kingdom. Other leading industries are the making of combs, paper, and textile fabrics, the preserving of provisions, and the catching of fish. Formerly celebrated for its clipper-bow ships, now superseded by iron steamships, it still does a considerable ship-building trade. Among its institutions, the university, founded in 1494 by Bishop Elphinstone, takes the lead. It comprises two colleges, King's and Marischal - until 1860, two distinct universities - and with Glasgow sends one representative to Parliament. Other educational establishments are the Grammar School, the Art Gallery and Art School, and Gordon's College. Most notable amongst the public buildings are the County and Municipal Buildings, the East and West Churches, the Music Hall, the Market Hall, the Trades Hall, Free Church Divinity Hall, Royal Infirmary and Lunatic Asylum. In 1886 was opened the Free Library, which has over 27,000 volumes. At the east end of Union Street - the principal street in the city - is a wide open space where markets are held, and where stands the Market Cross erected 1682. Among the statues are the last Duke of Gordon, Queen Victoria, Prince Albert, and Wallace, and, in the Duthie Park, Gordon Pasha. The city sends two representatives to Parliament. In Old Aberdeen, which adjoins the city on its north side, is situated the Cathedral of St. Machar, dating from 1357, and King's College. North of the old town, again, is the Brig o' Balgownie, the terror of Byron's boyish days.