Frederick II. Usually called "The Great," was born in 1712. King of Prussia from 1740 to 1786. During his reign, the power of Prussia was greatly extended. The Seven Years' War (1756-63), in which he took part with England, secured to him a decided influence in the affairs of Europe, and added Silesia to his dominions. In 1772 he shared in the partition of Poland and obtained, as his portion, all Polish Prussia and a part of Great Poland. In 1779, by the Treaty of Teschen, Frederick obtained Franconia. Thus, at his death, his kingdom was one-half larger in area than it had been at his accession. His army was as well organized as any in Europe, and the internal affairs of the country were directed by him with vigor and, on the whole, with prudence. He was in many respects one of the greatest figures his time. The "History of Friedrich II of Prussia, Commonly Called Frederick the Great," by Thomas Carlyle, brings out clearly and forcibly the good and the bad sides of is character. Frederick the Great died in 1786.