Biography of Tasker Howard Bliss


Bliss, Tasker Howard. American general, was born at Lewisburg, PA, 1853. He was educated at Lewisburg Academy, Lewisburg University (now Bucknell), and at the United States military academy at West Point, from which he graduated in 1875. Entering the army, he rose steadily, becoming divisional chief of staff in the Puerto Rican campaign, 1898. He was collector of customs, Havana, 1898-1902. He was then promoted brigadier-general and made member of the army war college board. After serving on the general staff, 1903-05, he commanded departments in the Philippines until 1909 when he became assistant chief of staff. Following service in various commands, including the Mexican border in 1911, he was made major-general in 1915, chief of staff in 1917, and general of the United States Army in 1917. He was also made a member of the supreme war council in France, and in 1919 served as military delegate of the United States to the peace conference at Versailles.