Biography of Frederick St. George de Lautour Booth-Tucker


Booth-Tucker, Frederick St. George de Lautour. Commissioner in Salvation Army. Born in Monghyr, Bengal, India, March 21, 1853. Edited at Cheltenham College, England. Passed Indian civil service examinations, 1874. Studied in London until 1876. Appointed to Punjab and held positions of assistant commissioner, magistrate, and treasury officer. Resigned to join Salvation Army, 1881. Inaugurated Salvation Army work in India, 1882; had charge there until 1891. Secretary for international work, Salvation Army, London 1891-96. Commander of Salvation Army forces in United States until 1904. Returned to India as special commissioner 1907. Author: "The Life of Catherine Booth," "Life of General William Booth," "In Darkest India and the Way Out," "Favorite Songs of the Salvation Army," "Monograph for the Paris Exposition on the Work of the Salvation Army in the United States."